Band press photo of Sundressed.

Spinning The Record With Sundressed’s Maxwell Young: “Bad Drugs,” Mental Health + The Future

Sundressed's Maxwell Young discusses the band's latest single, "Bad Drugs," mental health, and the band's future.

Arizona’s Sundressed is making a difference, and the band’s recent energy and online push provide a breath of fresh air as their latest single, “Bad Drugs,” is an absolute must-listen, and their upcoming single, “Fuck It Up,” featuring Brian Swindle of Have Mercy is looking to continue the band’s hype train.

Sundressed’s own Maxwell Young was gracious enough to take time out of his busy schedule to chat with me about “Bad Drugs,” the band’s future, and overall mental health.

First things first, let me say that your latest single, “Bad Drugs,” is an incredible song not just for mental health but for the “scene” in general. With that said, I know it’s a personal track, so I’d love to learn more about what inspired you guys to share this experience regarding getting one’s mental health in check?

For some song ideas, it’s lyrically driven. There was a point in time (2021) when Trevor, AJ, and Mike were between Joshua Tree and Los Angeles writing songs. “Bad Drugs” is one of them. I came in a little later to lay down the drums. “Bad Drugs” resembles the feeling of being out of your comfort zone—the times when you’re in your head—not trusting what is being given to you. Writing and playing music help us mentally. We write and play in hopes that others will be inspired by what we’ve been through. It makes us super happy.

Jumping ahead of ourselves a little, what’s next for Sundressed? Should fans be expecting some more single drops as the year continues? A new album, perhaps? Another tour after your current one with Telltale wraps up? 2023 seems like it might be an exciting time for the band.

Expect more singles and definitely a new album. We are very excited to be able to tour with Telltale. They’re an amazing band; we’re so lucky to play these shows with them.  

Back onto the subject of mental health, and for this specific question, an outlet through music; Many of your listeners use your music to cope or feel something; I know I jump to “Beck and Call” a lot. So, I became curious, what are your specific songs or bands in your life that you would say are your “security blanket” whether you need a pick-me-up, a burst of energy, a good cry, or just something to chill out to?

It still trips everyone out that “Beck and Call” is a go-to jam. We love playing that, and it will always be permanent. Saves The Day, Deftones, Bright Eyes, Copeland, Boygenius, Taking Back Sunday, The Police, and Thrice are amongst the security/chill/cry bands we listen to.

Swinging back to “Bad Drugs,” as I had mentioned initially, it’s an incredible song that deals with heavy themes. Lyrically, it’s probably become my favorite Sundressed song, and I’m excited to hear these lyrics sung live in May. What would you say are your favorite string of lyrics from the track?

“I feel like I’m always playing catch up/Thanks to a whole lot of bad luck.”

“Bad Drugs” has been out for a few weeks now; how would you say the reception for the track has been so far?

It has been super exciting. The video has received some love as well. We got a chance to work with some of our great friends and create something to be proud of. We are very happy people like it.

When it comes to your mental health, how much does it mean to you that you’re able to express your feelings through the music you create? And that it might connect with at least one of your listeners?

From the beginning, Trevor and I had a mission to express, write, and play music for not only us. Having the opportunity to express how we feel through song and the masses listen to it?  It’s the most surreal situation any musician can be in. Whether you’re playing in front of five people or five million people, you’re making a difference, and someone is listening.

I have a random industry question I’ve been asking quite a few people lately that I’d love your opinion on. I’ve noticed many bigger and smaller acts ditching full-length albums and instead opting to release only singles. Do you believe full-length albums still have a place in the current industry? Or is going the way of just releasing singles slowly becoming the industry norm?

I feel you should still believe in full lengths. As a whole, it says a lot about you and/or your band. I do feel they still have a place. You can buy all the little pieces at a time, but why not get them all at once? Have the whole art piece forever.

If you haven’t given “Bad Drugs” a spin yet, you’re missing out on one of the year’s best EMO songs. Once more, Sundressed’s upcoming single, “Fuck It Up,” featuring Brian Swindle of Have Mercy, releases this Friday, April 21.

Once again, I’d like to thank Maxwell Young for taking the time to answer my silly questions and for Sundressed as a whole for keeping EMO alive and pushing mental health awareness forward; as someone who deals with their mental health gymnastics on a day-to-day basis, Sundressed’s songs have been my go-to for years.

Keep “Bad Drugs” spinning on Spotify & Apple Music.

Keep up with Sundressed on social media: Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Twitter

Brandon Flores

Brandon Flores is editor-in-chief and a writer at Blast out your Stereo. He has been covering the music industry since 2011. He covers a wide variety of bands and artists from those just starting to those who already have a hold on the limelight. If you're looking for an unbiased opinion, then look no further.

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