Contact Us

How Can We Help You?

We’ll always try and reply as fast as our company cat can type.

News Tips 

Got a news tip or press release about a topic you think would fit the content Blast out your Stereo covers? Simply send over an email to the address below.

[email protected]

Please don’t use this email address to submit information not pertaining to news tips or press releases.

Reviews & Interviews

Want your single, full-length album, or EP reviewed on Blast out your Stereo? We’re always looking for new music to review. So, if you’re interested in getting yourself a track-by-track review simply send over an email to the address below that correlates with reviews.

[email protected]

If you’d like to set up an interview we’d be more than happy to talk about your upcoming project. Just like above, simply send over an email to the address below that correlates with interviews.

[email protected]

Please don’t use the above email addresses to submit information not pertaining to either reviews or interviews.

Editorial Corrections 

Everybody messes up sometimes, including us here at Blast out your Stereo. If you believe any of the information we cover on this website might be wrong, please let us know with provided proof. Simply send over an email to the address below and we’ll try and take care of it as soon as we can.

[email protected]

Please don’t use this email address to submit information not pertaining to editorial corrections.

Advertising & Sponsorships

If you would like to advertise on Blast out your Stereo, we can offer a variety of banner sizes and locations across our website with negotiable pricing.

Alternatively, we can also offer sponsored posts either on our website or various social accounts also with negotiable pricing. Sponsored posts must be in line with the content showcased on Blast out your Stereo.

If you’re interested in any of the above simply send over an email to the address below.

[email protected]

Please don’t use this email address to submit information not pertaining to business inquires.

General Information

If you have more of a “general” question please use the email address below.

[email protected]

Please don’t use the above email to submit any information that should be sent to any of the other featured email addresses.

We look forward to working alongside you to achieve your dreams.

Making the impossible possible since 2011